A framework for fairly compensating copyright holders in the Era of AI-Generated Content

A framework for fairly compensating copyright holders in the Era of AI-Generated Content
Image by Alex Shuper via Unsplash

This paper was researched and written with assistance from Perplexity AI


The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, large language models (LLMs) and image generators has raised significant concerns about the fair use and compensation of copyrighted content. As these AI systems rely on vast amounts of data, including creative works, for training and generating outputs, developing a framework that ensures content creators and copyright holders are fairly compensated for using their intellectual property is crucial.

Representative Adam Schiff's recently proposed legislation, the Generative AI Copyright Disclosure Act, aims to address this issue by requiring companies to disclose their use of copyrighted work to train their generative AI models. This groundbreaking legislation has garnered significant support from the creative community, including organizations such as the Recording Industry Association of America, Directors Guild of America, Professional Photographers of America, and Writers Guild of America.

Inspired by the SoundExchange model, which has successfully managed the collection and distribution of digital performance royalties for sound recordings, this paper proposes a comprehensive system and organization to address the challenges of attribution, licensing, and royalty distribution in AI-generated content. A fair and sustainable compensation framework can be established by adapting the key features of SoundExchange to the specific needs of the AI industry.

However, it is important to acknowledge that implementing such a system will require serious buy-in from all stakeholders, including content creators, copyright holders, AI companies, and policymakers. Funding from AI companies will be essential to help build and maintain the complex infrastructure necessary to manage the database, track content usage, and distribute royalties accurately.

The proposed framework aims to balance fostering innovation in the AI industry and protecting the rights and interests of content creators and copyright holders. By promoting transparency, accountability, and collaboration among all stakeholders, this system seeks to create a sustainable ecosystem that rewards creativity and encourages the responsible development and use of AI technologies.

As the AI landscape continues to evolve rapidly, it is crucial that we proactively address the challenges posed by generative AI systems and their potential impact on intellectual property rights. The Generative AI Copyright Disclosure Act and the proposed compensation framework are important steps toward ensuring a fair and equitable future for content creators in the age of AI.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background

The development of LLMs and image generators has revolutionized how content is created and consumed. These AI systems, trained on massive datasets of text, images, and other media, can generate highly realistic and coherent outputs based on user prompts. However, using copyrighted material in the training data and generating derivative works raise significant legal and ethical questions about fair use, attribution, and compensation for content creators and copyright holders.

1.2 The Need for a Fair Compensation Framework

As AI-generated content becomes increasingly prevalent, it is essential to establish a framework that balances the interests of content creators, copyright holders, and AI companies. Without proper attribution and compensation mechanisms, the use of copyrighted works in AI systems may devalue creative labor and disincentivize content creators from producing new works. A fair compensation framework is necessary to ensure the sustainability and growth of both the creative industries and the AI sector.

2. The SoundExchange Model: A Blueprint for AI-Generated Content

2.1 Overview of SoundExchange

SoundExchange is a non-profit collective rights management organization that collects and distributes digital performance royalties for sound recordings on behalf of recording artists and copyright holders. It serves as an intermediary between music streaming platforms, broadcasters, and content creators, ensuring that royalties are accurately calculated and distributed based on the usage of copyrighted works.

2.2 Key Features of the SoundExchange Model

The SoundExchange model has several key features that make it an effective system for managing royalties in the music industry:

a. Centralized database: SoundExchange maintains a comprehensive database of sound recordings, including metadata about artists, copyright owners, and licensing terms.

b. Usage tracking and reporting: Music platforms must report the usage of sound recordings to SoundExchange, which then calculates royalties based on predefined rates and formulas.

c. Royalty distribution: SoundExchange distributes collected royalties to recording artists and copyright holders based on the reported usage data and the ownership information in its database.

d. Direct payment to creators: SoundExchange pays royalties directly to recording artists and copyright holders, ensuring they receive fair compensation for using their works.

2.3 Adapting the SoundExchange Model for AI-Generated Content

The SoundExchange model provides a valuable blueprint for creating a similar system to manage the use of copyrighted content in AI-generated outputs. A fair and sustainable compensation framework can be established by adapting the key features of SoundExchange to the specific needs of the AI industry.

3. Proposed System and Organization for AI-Generated Content

3.1 Content Attribution Database

3.1.1 Centralized Repository

The foundation of the proposed system is a centralized database that serves as a comprehensive repository of copyrighted works used in the training and generation of AI models. This database would store metadata about each work, including:

a. Title and unique identifier

b. Creator(s) and copyright holder(s)

c. Creation and publication dates

d. Licensing terms and usage restrictions

e. Content fingerprints or hashes for efficient identification

Example of a Metadata Schema

  "content_id": "unique_identifier",
  "content_type": "text|image|audio|video",
  "title": "string",
  "description": "string",
  "creator": {
    "name": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "user_id": "string"
  "copyright_holder": {
    "name": "string",
    "email": "string",
    "user_id": "string"
  "creation_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "publication_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "version": "string",
  "language": "string",
  "tags": ["string"],
  "content_hash": "string",
  "content_fingerprint": "string",
  "license": {
    "type": "string",
    "terms": "string",
    "attribution_required": "boolean",
    "commercial_use_allowed": "boolean",
    "modifications_allowed": "boolean",
    "expiration_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
    "territory": "string",
    "usage_restrictions": "string"
  "ownership_percentage": {
    "creator": "number",
    "copyright_holder": "number"
  "royalty_rates": {
    "per_use": "number",
    "per_impression": "number",
    "flat_fee": "number"
  "related_content": ["content_id"],
  "parent_content": "content_id",
  "derivative_works": ["content_id"],
  "usage_metrics": {
    "total_views": "number",
    "total_downloads": "number",
    "total_impressions": "number",
    "last_used_date": "YYYY-MM-DD"
  "content_status": "active|inactive|deleted",
  "registration_date": "YYYY-MM-DD",
  "last_updated": "YYYY-MM-DD"

This metadata schema includes the following key elements:

1. Unique content identifier and type classification
2. Title, description, and language of the content
3. Creator and copyright holder information, including names, email addresses, and user IDs
4. Creation, publication, and version details
5. Tags for improved searchability and categorization
6. Content hash and fingerprint for efficient matching and identification of potential infringements
7. Detailed licensing information, including terms, attribution requirements, usage restrictions, and expiration dates
8. Ownership percentage breakdown between creators and copyright holders
9. Royalty rates for different usage scenarios
10. Related content, parent content, and derivative works for establishing content relationships
11. Usage metrics, such as views, downloads, and impressions
12. Content status, registration date, and last updated timestamp for administrative purposes

3.1.2 Content Registration and Metadata Tagging

Content creators and copyright holders must register their works in the database, providing accurate and up-to-date metadata. The registration process should be user-friendly and accessible, with options for bulk registration and automated metadata tagging using AI-based tools.

3.1.3 Interoperability and Data Sharing

The content attribution database should be designed with interoperability, allowing seamless integration with existing content management systems and rights databases. Collaborations and data-sharing agreements with organizations like Creative Commons, the U.S. Copyright Office, and other industry-specific entities would enhance the accuracy and completeness of the database.

3.2 Usage Tracking and Reporting

3.2.1 Mandatory Reporting by AI Companies

AI companies that utilize copyrighted works in their training data or generate outputs based on such works would be required to track and report the usage of these works to the proposed organization. This reporting should include:

a. The specific works used, identified by their unique identifiers in the content attribution database

b. The volume and context of usage (e.g., training, testing, or output generation)

c. Any modifications or transformations applied to the original works

d. The revenue generated from AI-generated content that incorporates copyrighted works

3.2.2 Advanced Content Identification Technologies

To ensure accurate tracking and reporting, the proposed system should employ advanced content identification technologies, such as:

a. Digital watermarking: Embedding unique identifiers or signatures into copyrighted works to facilitate their detection and tracking.

b. AI-based content recognition: Developing sophisticated algorithms to identify and match content, even in modifications or transformations.

c. Blockchain-based record-keeping: Utilizing blockchain technology to create tamper-proof, immutable records of content usage and transactions.

3.2.3 Auditing and Verification

The proposed organization should conduct regular audits and verification of the usage data reported by AI companies. This process may involve manual review by human experts and automated checks using AI-based tools. Penalties and sanctions should be established for companies found to be underreporting or misrepresenting their usage of copyrighted works.

3.3 Licensing and Royalty Calculation

3.3.1 Standardized Licensing Framework

The proposed system should establish a standardized licensing framework that governs the use of copyrighted works in AI-generated content. This framework should include:

a. Clear definitions of permitted uses and any restrictions or limitations

b. Attribution requirements and guidelines

c. Royalty rates and calculation formulas based on factors such as usage volume, revenue generated, and the significance of the work

d. Provisions for the use of works in the public domain or under open licenses (e.g., Creative Commons)

3.3.2 Automated Licensing and Permissions

The proposed system should implement an automated licensing and permissions system to streamline the licensing process. AI companies could obtain the necessary licenses for the works they intend to use through a user-friendly interface, with the terms and conditions specified. The system should also allow for the negotiation of custom licensing agreements for specific use cases or high-value works.

3.3.3 Royalty Calculation and Distribution

The proposed organization would calculate the royalties owed to content creators and copyright holders based on the reported usage data and the applicable licensing terms. The calculation process should be transparent and auditable, with detailed breakdowns for all parties involved. Royalties should be distributed directly to the rightful owners regularly, with options for automated payments and detailed statements.

3.4 Dispute Resolution and Governance

3.4.1 Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

The proposed system should establish clear and efficient dispute resolution mechanisms to handle disagreements between content creators, copyright holders, and AI companies. This may include:

a. Mediation and arbitration services for resolving licensing and royalty disputes

b. Procedures for handling claims of copyright infringement or unauthorized use

c. Appeals processes for decisions made by the proposed organization

3.4.2 Governance Structure

To ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability, the proposed organization should have a robust governance structure that includes:

a. A board of directors with representation from content creators, copyright holders, AI companies, and other relevant stakeholders

b. Independent oversight committees to monitor the organization's operations and decision-making processes

c. Regular audits and public reporting on the organization's activities and financial performance

3.4.3 Stakeholder Engagement and Collaboration

The success of the proposed system depends on the active engagement and collaboration of all stakeholders in the AI and creative industries. The organization should foster open dialogue, seek feedback, and work closely with content creators, copyright holders, AI companies, policymakers, and industry associations to continuously improve and adapt the framework to the evolving needs of the ecosystem.

4. Key Considerations for Implementing the Proposed System

4.1 Technological Infrastructure and Scalability

Implementing the proposed system requires a robust and scalable technological infrastructure that can handle the vast amounts of data and complex processes. Key considerations include:

a. Designing a high-performance, distributed database architecture that can efficiently store and retrieve metadata for millions of copyrighted works

b. Developing secure and reliable APIs for content registration, usage reporting, and licensing transactions

c. Implementing advanced content identification technologies that can accurately match and track the use of copyrighted works across various formats and platforms

d. Ensuring the system can handle the growing volume of AI-generated content and the increasing number of participants in the ecosystem

4.2 Legal and Regulatory Compliance

The proposed system must operate within the boundaries of existing legal and regulatory frameworks while advocating for necessary reforms to address the unique challenges posed by AI-generated content. Key considerations include:

a. Ensuring compliance with copyright laws and international treaties, such as the Berne Convention and the WIPO Copyright Treaty

b. Navigating the complex landscape of fair use, transformative use, and derivative works in the context of AI-generated content

c. Engaging with policymakers and legislators to advocate for updates to copyright laws that better reflect the realities of the AI era

d. Collaborating with legal experts and industry associations to develop best practices and guidelines for the responsible use of copyrighted works in AI systems

4.3 Adoption and Participation Incentives

The success of the proposed system relies on the widespread adoption and participation of content creators, copyright holders, and AI companies. The system must provide clear benefits and incentives for all stakeholders to encourage participation. Key considerations include:

a. Demonstrating the value proposition of the system in terms of fair compensation, attribution, and usage insights for content creators and copyright holders

b. Offering streamlined licensing processes, legal certainty, and access to a wide range of high-quality content for AI companies

c. Providing user-friendly interfaces, tools, and support services to facilitate easy registration, reporting, and royalty management for all participants

d. Conducting outreach and education campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of fair compensation and the benefits of participating in the proposed system

4.4 Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

As the AI and creative industries evolve, the proposed system must be designed to adapt and improve over time. Key considerations include:

a. Establishing feedback loops and regular consultations with stakeholders to identify areas for improvement and address emerging challenges

b. Investing in research and development to stay at the forefront of technological advancements in content identification, tracking, and analysis

c. Monitoring legal and regulatory developments and adjusting the system's policies and procedures accordingly

d. Embracing a culture of innovation and experimentation, piloting new features and services that can enhance the value proposition for all participants

5. Potential Challenges and Limitations

5.1 Resistance from Stakeholders

Some content creators, copyright holders, or AI companies may resist the proposed system, perceiving it as a burden or a threat to their interests. Overcoming this resistance will require clear communication, education, and demonstration of the system's benefits. Building trust and fostering a sense of shared responsibility among all stakeholders will be crucial for the system's success.

5.2 Technological Limitations

While advanced content identification technologies can help track and attribute the use of copyrighted works in AI-generated content, no system is perfect. There may be cases where the use of a work goes undetected or is misattributed, leading to disputes and potential under-compensation. Continuous investment in research and development will be necessary to improve the accuracy and reliability of these technologies.

5.3 International Coordination and Harmonization

As AI-generated content transcends national borders, ensuring fair compensation for content creators and copyright holders worldwide will require international coordination and harmonization of legal frameworks and industry practices. Collaborating with international organizations, such as the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry (IFPI), will be essential to address cross-border challenges and promote global standards.

5.4 Balancing Innovation and Compensation

While the proposed system aims to ensure fair compensation for content creators and copyright holders, it must also balance the need to foster innovation and creativity in the AI sector. Overly restrictive licensing terms or prohibitively high royalty rates could stifle the development of new AI technologies and limit society's potential benefits. The system must find a middle ground that rewards creators while enabling the responsible use of copyrighted works for AI training and generation.

6. Conclusion

The rise of AI-generated content, powered by large language models and image generators, presents both opportunities and challenges for content creators, copyright holders, and the creative industries. To ensure that the benefits of these technologies are shared fairly and that the rights of creators are respected, it is essential to establish a comprehensive system for attribution, licensing, and royalty distribution.

The proposed system, inspired by the successful SoundExchange model in the music industry, offers a promising framework for addressing these challenges. By creating a centralized content attribution database, implementing advanced usage tracking and reporting mechanisms, establishing a standardized licensing framework, and providing efficient royalty calculation and distribution, the system aims to balance the interests of all stakeholders and foster a sustainable ecosystem for AI-generated content.

However, implementing such a system has its challenges. It will require the active engagement, collaboration, and support of content creators, copyright holders, AI companies, policymakers, and industry associations. By working together to refine and adapt the proposed framework, we can unlock the full potential of AI-generated content while ensuring that creators' rights and contributions are valued and rewarded.

As the AI landscape evolves, we must remain vigilant and proactive in developing solutions that promote fairness, transparency, and accountability. The proposed system for fairly compensating content creators and copyright holders is an important step in this direction, and it serves as a foundation for further innovation and collaboration in the exciting and transformative field of AI-generated content.